How to connect the OWL camera and present to the classroom projection screen while in TEAMS

  1. From the OWL camera make sure its plugged in to power and connect the USB cable to your laptop (note: in most classrooms the usb cable for the OWL is plugged into the monitor.  In this case, you just need to make sure the monitor is powered on and then connect the usb cable from the monitor to your laptop.  The "usb cable" is the cable you normally plug into your laptop to connect the monitor so you have dual screens)
  2. After about 15 seconds your laptop will discover the OWL camera and automatically set itself up as your default speakers, microphone, and camera for TEAMS.  
  3. If you would like to verify these settings follow these steps:
    1. In TEAMS in the upper right-hand corner of the screen click on your profile and a dropdown menu will appear.  Click on the “Settings” option.   Snippet:
    2. From the “Settings” menu select “Devices” which is located on the upper left hand corner of the screen.  Snippet:
    3. On the “Devices” screen you should see “Meeting OWL PRO”  as the default for speakers, microphone, and camera.  Once verified you can close out of the window.  Snippet:
  4. Next you will need to connect your laptop to the projector or TV in the classroom. To do this, you will need to connect to the AIRTAME wireless presenting device.  Please follow these steps:
    1. If you have not downloaded the AIRTAME client already go to the following website and download/install the client:  Download Airtame App - Airtame
    2. Next please follow this article to quickly connect to the Airtame:  Using Airtame to wirelessly connect to classroom projectors or TV's | Knowledge Base | Eastside Catholic Helpdesk
  5. After you are connected via AIRTAME the next step is starting your TEAMS channel/class.  Once you have joined the TEAMS session you should now hear audio and see video coming from the OWL camera.  You should also see your TEAMS session up on the projection screen for everyone to see.  Note: it is very important that you first connect to the AIRTAME device before sharing your screen during a TEAMS session.  If you don't attendees will not be able to see your shared screen on the projection screen in the classroom.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact EC IT at  Thank you.